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Cannabice Relax Hot Cannabis Tea


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A mixture of herbs from the Greek land. Ingredients: Echinacea, Louisa, Cinnamon, Mountain Tea, Stevia leaves and Hemp.

Packaging: 12 sachets / box

The high quality organic aromatic herbs of the Greek land
they meet in the product and make the tea a special tasting one
enjoyment, while providing beneficial properties.

Combining tradition with innovation was created
Relax, offering peace of mind and body. The consumer has the
ability to enjoy a beverage rich in cannabinoids,
terpenes, ω3 and ω6 fatty acids, substances that activate the
body’s endocannabinoid system and impart a feeling
wellness with anxiolytic and analgesic action. All this with the easiest
and fast way. A mug of boiling water and a sachet of Cannab Ice
is enough, however it is also recommended to have a fatty substance, such as
of coconut/olive oil or butter to make it happen
more efficient the extraction. Each box contains 12 sachets and
enclosed by a transparent protective film so that the product
it is sealed airtight and plastered for optimum preservation
of. This product is also suitable for professional use, due to
ease and speed of preparation.

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